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Career Awareness and Exploration Program

Evanston Academy's Career Awareness and Exploration program is designed to broaden students’ awareness of the many professions they can pursue in life.
This program enhances our curriculum with hands-on, real-world experiences that will help students identify their interests and skills, and encourages them to make connections between academic performance and their future endeavors.

We want to build on Evanston’s legacy as “The Education Community” by ensuring our students leave our hallways fully prepared for the rigors of high school and focused on a career pathway that will lead to a bright future.

What Does This Mean for Students?

Our Career Awareness and Exploration program will help students in grades PreK–6 learn about the many career opportunities available and the steps needed to reach their goals.

Evanston Academy students will benefit from:

  • Exposure to careers in four concentrations: Arts and Communications, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), Human Services, and Health Care
  • Hands-on, project-based learning activities that encourage professionalism and workforce-readiness behaviors
  • Monthly “College Days” that allow students to visit institutions of higher learning and network with college students and faculty
  • A robust after-school enrichment program focused on career awareness
  • Opportunities for job shadowing and internships with corporate partners and local small businesses